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Health Benefits Of Yoga - What Is Yoga Good For?

Are you feeling low on energy? Do you feel depressed, stressed or anxious? Instead of going to a bar, ordering a pizza or going on an impulse shopping spree, you can put aside as little as 15 minutes for a yoga session. That's right, just a 15-minute daily yoga session can make you feel better, improve your health and relieve stress.

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Numerous medical studies have shown that yoga decreases the secretion of cortisol, which is the primary stress hormone. What's more, trying out adult yoga in Miami can make you feel happier, will train your muscles will improve your overall health. Plus, it's incredibly easy to squeeze in just 15 minutes of yoga every day. Everyone can do it!

But which are the major health benefits of yoga? How can it help you? Let's see:


Health benefit #1 – Yoga decreases stress

As mentioned above, yoga is a powerful stress-reducing activity. Multiple medical studies have confirmed this. One study was done on a group of 24 women who were suffering from depression and social anxiety. After a three-month yoga program, the women had significantly lower levels of cortisol. Also, they reported lower levels of chronic fatigue, depression, social anxiety, and stress. Another study came up with similar results. It showed that even a short course of fitness adult yoga in Miami of 10 weeks can reduce stress and anxiety in both males and females. The great thing about yoga is that you don't have to attend specialized classes in order to enjoy its benefits. Adult yoga in Miami can also be used independently (such as meditation), helping reduce stress even more.


Health benefit #2 – yoga relieves anxiety

A lot of people practice yoga because it reduces anxiety. The truth is... it really does. In a study done by a British university, 34 women who suffered from an anxiety disorder, were asked to participate in a yoga class. The classes were held every week, for three months. At the end of the study, the participants had significantly lower levels of anxiety when compared to the control group.

Yoga is also immensely beneficial for patients who struggle to recover from post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD. At the end of one study done on 43 women, more than 22 didn't even meet the criteria for PTSD. The symptoms were fewer and the women reported a better overall health level. Unfortunately, scientists don't really understand how practicing yoga helps people fight anxiety. There are several theories, for instance, the release of chemicals during yoga can affect the brain's response to external stimuli, but more research is needed.

Benefit #3 – fitness adult yoga in Miami may reduce inflammation

Yoga is, after all, a physical exercise. Consequently, it has important beneficial effects on our bodies and how we respond to pain and fatigue. Inflammation, for instance, is a normal body response to trauma or pain. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, increases the risk of pro-inflammatory diseases, like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. A study on the topic was done in 2015, on more than 200 participants, divided into two groups – a group that performed yoga and a group that didn't. Both groups performed regular strenuous physical exercise in order to induce muscle stress and inflammation. At the end of the study, the group which practiced yoga had lower levels of inflammatory markers when compared to the group which didn't practice yoga. Another study also showed that regular yoga sessions reduce the inflammatory markers in patients who are recovering from breast cancer.


Benefit #4 – yoga can improve heart health

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the western world. Yoga has been shown to be amazingly beneficial when trying to counteract this chronic condition. One study has shown that people who are over 40 years and practice yoga regularly have a lower blood pressure than the ones who didn't. Incorporating yoga in your daily fitness routine will lower the blood pressure, with amazing positive benefits for your overall health. It can also slow down the progression of heart disease. Of course, this will work even better with better dietary habits. In a separate study, participants who regularly practiced adult yoga in Miami had a 26 percent reduction in bad cholesterol and a 23 percent decrease in total cholesterol. Also, the progression of heart disease stopped in more than 40 percent of patients.


Benefit #5 – yoga improves the quality of life

Yoga is quickly becoming the most popular physical exercise in the Western World. It's also getting increasingly popular as an adjunct therapy to improve the quality of life of many people. A recent study was done on three separate groups – one that regularly practiced yoga, one that focused on daily walks and a control group. The results have shown that yoga improves mood, reduces stress levels and fatigue, compared to all other groups.

Yoga is beneficial for patients recovering from cancer or undergoing cancer treatment. For instance, yoga has been shown to reduce the symptoms of people who undergo chemotherapy. Some of the most common symptoms of chemotherapy, like nausea and vomiting can be minimized, thus improving the overall quality of life for numerous patients.


Benefit #6 – fitness adult yoga in Miami improves sleep quality

Poor sleep quality is a major health concern. Many people don't get enough sleep or don't have a good night's sleep several times a week. Poor sleep is not just uncomfortable, it can also cause depression, obesity, and high blood pressure. Yoga has been shown as a powerful factor behind excellent sleep quality. A recent study has shown that people who regularly practice yoga fall asleep easier, sleep longer and feel more rested in the morning than other people. People who suffer from various chronic diseases have less sleep disturbance, improved sleep quality and a reduced need for sleep medications, with just a 15 minute-long daily yoga routine. The benefits to sleep are enormous, and you only have to make a minimal time investment every day.